Thursday, June 21, 2007


So far we have done a couple of really cool tours! They are of important places around Edmonton. The Legislature Building and today the museum. Both were a lot of fun and very imformative - Shane and I now feel we know a lot about Edmonton and it's history.

We also got to meet up with many interesting creatures and animals we thought we might see here in Canada.

So I thought I would answer some of the questions I have been asked from my Lumsden friends; Firstly, I am so glad Tanya Batt was really cool - I can't wait to hear all about the Pig story she did;
Yes George, I have met one cowboy but I am still looking out to meet more, you will notice in the photo he is wearing something you will recognise, can you see it? Look at what I am holding with the cowboy;
Shane also had a photo taken next to a really BIG cowboy boot; Yes Jack, I have also seen some indians, they were at the museum, can you see from the photos I took which ones are indians?
Now Sienna, Grace and Emmalee I also saw the animals you mentioned at the museum, I took a photo especially for you so you see them, can you find the photos on this blog?
I have also found some other famous animals to Canada. One of them you migh recognise the other three you might not. One is a beaver and the other is a bison and the other is called a Big Horn sheep.. Geordie I wonder if you can find some information about these animals in any of your books. Let me know if you do, I would love to hear any information you find.
No Jack, I haven't have pancakes yet but I hope to have some very soon - I will take a photo and let you know what they taste like.
I did have something yummy for lunch - can you see what it is? I wonder if you can remember what country that food comes from?

Yes Maggie and Sheree I am practicing my self-control, courage and U-tanga!

Say hi to Collie from me, and give her a really big cuddle and a nice pat on the back from me. Also give Kahu a big cuddle, I can't wait to hear all about the adventures he has had while I am away. Did he have a good time with your Mum Zara? I hope you helped your Mum practice her responsibility and commitment!

O.k, well I had better go and I will continue to add posts on my BLOG. Please do the same and keep those questions coming - thats for everyone not just Lumsden.

Thanks to everyone who has added to the blog, it is so nice to hear from home and whats been happening - come on the rest of you, do you bit please!!!
We are off to the Jasper and Banff this weekend with Lorna, Sanford, Tegan and Leah. We will get to see the famous moutains of Canada - can you remember the name of them?

Until next time,

Rak and Shane.


Michelle said...

just checking

Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
Have had a mare with this blogging!!! Havn't been able to send any messages without signing up each time. Spoke to your Mum who said that Maggie and the Lumsden crew had been having trouble too. Well anyway, Maggie has set me right so sent you a message just to check that I was sorted.... and I am!! Love reading your blogs and looking at your photos. Shane really did enjoy his time at hooters didn't he!! We are all good. Counting down until the holidays of course. Craig and Adele had a boy on Thursday night, George Oliver, 9lb 15ozs. Anyway keep the blogs coming. Love Mich

Ruth said...

Hi You Two,
Your trip sounds wonderful so far. Better news for you this week, Shane. Clive Prems beat Tamatea 15-8 and your team won 23-17 against Takapau. Terry was talking to Ferg today and apparently the paper got it wrong last week, your guys have won 3 games in a row! Cousin Shane was down for the weekend with his new partner, Jenny. We took them out to lunch to Black Barn on Sunday along with Tania. Karl was playing golf!! They were very impressed with the venue and the food. Looks like I will be working in Gisborne the week you get back so sorry I won't be able to collect you from the Airport. I will have to wait until the weekend to catch up with you both.
Keep safe.
Lots of Love,