Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Counting Down!

WOW, who can beleive that it is only 3 more sleeps to go until we are off on our BIG adventure! Yes, I am extremely nervous but Shane is as cool as cool!

Are we excited you ask? Well not me, not yet any way. I think I will be, once I am off the plane and comfortably settled at Lorna and Sanfords place!

I am looking forward to MANY things especially the touring around. I know Shane is just as excited about that aspect too.

Don't know how I am going to cope if I see a bear though, although I realise this is an experience in its-self so I should actually be very excited about the prospect instead.

Both of us can't wait to catch up and hang out with Lorna, Sanford, Tegan and Leah - just being with family in a new place is always so reasurring. Just hope they don't get too sick of us!!!

O.k well, I have posted my first 'blog' so feel free to add your comments, questions and of course what is happening with you all. Makes for more interesting reading if others are contributing.

Until next time,



Ruth said...

This is cool, I am learning new skills! Make sure you are ready when I collect you on Thursday night for the airport! I know you will enjoy Canada just as much as Terry and I did. It is an awesome place and the people are SO friendly. Wish we were coming too!

Lumsden said...

Don't Go!

Lumsden said...

The children, teachers and parent's all can't wait to read about your adventures Rakelle and Shane. Bon Voyage, travel safe and have heaps of fun!!!

Tracey said...

Hey guys have a wonderful time - looking forward to reading all your stories.

Michelle said...

Wow, what a cool site....yep Mrs W, i am learning new things too!!
Hope you have a fantastic adventure Rak and Shane, you both really deserve it. Can't wait to hear about it all. Travel safe. xx

Unknown said...

I hope you are packed, with your best cowboy hat for the rodeo and your best bikini and speedos on standby for the beach on the way home.

I know you will have a fantastic trip. Its a beautiful country (the small bits I have seen of it) and the people are really friendly.

Travel safe. Lock your bags. Don't leave your bags unattended. Dont give strangers money. And always eat your vegetables.

Anita x

trubay said...

Hey guys, was thinking of you at 1:30pm this arvo and the adrenalin that both must have been feeling as you borded the plane, have an awesome time b4 u reach Canada, check out as many sites as you can and we will call you when your with Lorna, bro she can't wait to see you both. Talk to you soon.

mandy said...

Hey Wacko Rako and the lovely shane Rubay, Cant wait to hear what you guys get up too!! Wacko, hope you didnt freek out too much at LA Airport, you dont want to draw too much attention to yourself!! You never know what they might do!!
And shane, please dont go losing anything important, especially the woman you are with!!!!!
Love you guys, take care and be kind to your mum.
Love Mandy and the tribe.

P.S Im not the worlds best speller so lets just leave it at that!!!!

Michelle said...

Hey Rak and Shane. Thanks for the cool blog and fantastic photos. Can't wait to show Hannah and Daniel the ones of spider man and Dora. Keep the blogs coming, I have been checking everyday! Love mich

Ruth said...

Great to get all your news 'Hot Off the Press' - such a wonderful idea. I bet the Lumsden children are loving hearing about all your adventures, as we are. Tell Shane Clive Prems lost to Central HB 31-12 and his team lost 17-5 to Aotea. Sorry I didn't have better news for him. Olly is doing a superb job of looking after your property and 'Beautiful Girl' seems well fed!! Look forward to hearing about the Canada leg of your journey.
Lots of Love and keep safe.

Kirk said...

Kia Ora, Rakelle & Shane Dogg, it's been a while but have had technical difficulties. Looks like alls going well and some of your trips bring back fond memories for me. Awesome you saw a bear, and even more awesome that Shane Dogg is featured wearing his Clive rugby jersey in most photo shots. Cheer to that. Rakelle, missing your talks re B, as your advice would handy. Look after yourselves. Ka Kite a tona Wa.