Thursday, June 28, 2007


Wow, so we survived our three nights in Banff and we could have easily stayed longer - but we were also very excited to be moving on to Jasper. Yes, and on our way we did see more bears! AMAZING!

On our way to Jasper we got to stop off at Lake Lousie - this scenery was so sureal it was just too beautiful for words. A lovely lake and the Rockies just planted in the backdrop - how AMAZING! Another beautiful hotel was there and more GREAT shops! You may be able to see in some of the photos what Shane picked up there!!!!

Now onto Jasper! The highlights - all of the many beautiful lakes, waterfalls and canyons we saw. Shane and I did a lot of hiking and walking but it was well worth some of the 3 hour hikes we did!

On one of our walks Tegan found a toad and a snake! He is truely amazing with animals and nothing frightens him about them. he even scrambled through the bush to catch the snake - unbelievable! I had a little touch - but not for too long!

I did however hand feed a squirrel at one of the lookouts we went to - he even climbed up my leg to try and eat some of more of my ice-cream!

So now we are back in Edmonton we have many more adventures planned! We have Canada Day celebrations this weekend - should be a BIG one and lots of other exciting things planned. Keep visiting our blog and you will soon read all about what we are up to!

Just a note to everyone who is making the effort to read our blogs - yes, you do have to sign in each time you want to make a post!!! Best thing to do is sign in first then place your post - this way you won't loose your work! And you should not be having any problems - I know my Mum isn't!!!! (Well done Ruth).

If you are taking the time to read PLEASE add a note to us! Shane and I are wanting to know you is reading them! It takes two seconds to sign in and make a post.

Ngarie and John, great to hear you are reading the blog but now we challenge you to add your post to them - we look forward to hearing from you both - hint, hint!!!

Marzie, I know you have a new baby but come on, you know I can't go 6 weeks without some smart and fun comment from you so do your best girlfriend - I am counting on you!

Lumsden - GREAT you are writng to me but I would also like to hear what the children think about the photos they see - they must make some comments when they see them and I would love to know what they are - remember a story or something of that nature would be good from them too!

O.K enough grumbing from me, hopefully this will prompt everyone to make an effort! Remember, the idea of the blog is for you to make comments on what you see, ask questions and fill us in on whats going on in NZ.

Until next blog,

Rak and Shane. xxx


mandy said...

Hey guys!!! I thought id better do another blog before i get told off! Makes me feel like im back at school!!!! Im loving reading about what you guys are up to.
We are all good, I went to pinks concert up in Auckland and man did she ROCK, We also went to the Rugby (All blacks vs France) We kicked butt but great atmoshere!! We went with Damon and Paula, so that was a late night, as you can imagine. We have had our landscaping all done so bring on summer and bbqs so we can enjoy it. Honkys stoked with it, hes even built Max a new kennel, not that max cares!! Well thats about it for now, honky says hi and brea and kayden send you hugs and kisses, love mandy xxxx

trubay said...

Well hey u2. Looks like you are having an absolute awesome time, i am so jealous, it is peeing down with rain here and typical Palmy damn cold too. By the end of your trip you are going to have such an awesome collection of photos, it is so neat to be able to see where and what you are both up too. I'm sure Lorna and Sandford are happy to be sharing this time with you and showing you there beautiful country. Looks like the weather has been lovely for you all. Will try and give you a call tomorrow or during the week. Can't wait to see where your next adventure leads you. Take care and give Miss Leah a squeeze from Aunty Tan, and say hi to Tegan for me too.

ma&pa said...

Hi Rak "surprise surprise" finally getting around to sending you both a message, hopefully I will get as good as your Mum, mind you I did have Tanya to do it all for me.
The photo's are fabulous and I am really getting the urge to visit Canada, who knows Lou I might be next
I would say that you are both having a great time over there, and NO Shane you cannot have a Lamborgini or a Hooter's girl.
Sorry we missed your phone call, but hope to talk to you all soon, I will try again tomorrow morning.
You are both looking quite tanned and very relaxed, I know that Lou and Sandford will be enjoying your stay with them.
I also went to all blacks vs France and was enthralled {thats a flash word for me} with the game and the people that were there, did you see me Mandy I was the little grey haired lady doing the mexican waves ha ha. I'm looking forward to watching the Blacks vs Australia tonight here's hoping we kick butt.
Ok guys need to go put some dinner on will catch up with you both soon
Our Love to you all there.
Ma and Pa Rubay

watson said...

Hey thought I'd let you know that I finally got into the blog have been trying and I couldnt get in dont know why modern technology is sent to try you aye.. Looks like you two are having a ball, can't wait to see all the photos when you come to P nth. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Jeff and Cheryl

Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
well you can't growl me can you!!!Yep good old Mich!! It sounds like you are having an amazing time and your photos are stunning, the scenery certainly is beautiful. I was wondering if the reason you didn't see any moose (don't know what the plural for moose is!!) was because you were seeing so many bears. Perhaps the bears were scaring away the other animals. It was a good thought anyway. Can't believe you touched the snake...i wouldn't!! We are all good, stoked to be on holiday. Darren has spent the weekend mountain biking in Rotorua. Daniel and Hannah are waiting for him to get home!! We have a fairly quiet week planned now which will be good. Well, keep the blogs reading them. Love Mich

Ruth said...

I guess I had better add my comments seeing as I got good raps from you!
Your photo's are bringing back such great memories of our Canadian holiday a couple of years ago. It's certainly a beautiful part of the world especially the Icefields Highway between Jasper and Banff - we look forward to hearing about your next adventures.
Called out to Clive today to inspect Jeff's work. The new shower is just about completed so now Terry has to chase up the Sparkie and the Painter to get it all completed. Ollie has started erecting his garage at the front so that should all be finished as well by the time you get back. He is making noises about the fence but said he might wait until Shane gets back so that he can dig the post holes! He told us that Possum comes over to see him every day as soon as he gets home from work. She wasn't there when we arrived but soon turned up and wanted lots of attention!
Clive prems drew with Marist yesterday - I am off to Masterton tomorrow so won't have the local paper to give you your teams score, Shane. I'm stuck down there for 2 weeks so hope it won't be too cold while I'm away.
Took Terry for his 'Sunday Drive' today and ended up having lunch at the cafe in the old church at Te Aute. Great food!
Look forward to your next Blog.
Keep safe,
Lots of Love,

Lumsden said...

Matilda; I liked the bear in the photo.
Henry; I liked the snake.
Geordie; "That man (shane) looks like a cowboy!"
Was that a squirrel you were feeding. Why did you feed it.
Harriet; I was scared of the snake. Were you scared of the snake? Was it slimy?
Bryn; "Wow that looks like a snake!It's my birthday!! Did you climb the rockies?

We are really loving seeing the photos. Especially things you taught us about Canada before you left. I have printed them out and made a book of your trip for the children to revisit and share with their families.

Zara has commented on the photos you left around Lumsden.
"Please don't mess up our kindergarten with all your photos. We won't forget you Rakelle"

Love Lumsden.

PS the builders are starting tomorrow!! Yeah

Marzie said...

Hi Rak & Spaca! I have approx 5 minutes to comment to you. Wow fantastic landscape for sure! The Rockies made me think of Heidi in the Alps! I know it's not the same country but hey. Disappointed Rak - only 5 hours at the mall! Come on women if you don't come home with a complete new wardrobe it's a wasted trip!! Fuck man loved the D. House Wives blog! Man you must have been excited. I was reading it!! Spaca, great stuff with the tits man! oops I mean tips - those chicks were very lucky! I had to look twice at the hulk - then I saw you Spaca - disappointing as I thought you had turned into him! Rak - what up with you touching all this creepy wildlife! Call that a snake-- Aussie flashback: The one we saw could EAT YOU!! Yip you looked a dork with Dora! I am noticing a few new treads though - yes? Wow Tegan has grown and looking handsome as ever. Baby Leah is a cutie. Lorna & Sanford must be enjoying having you there. A challenge for the rest of the RuBays to get over there too aye! Ok - now about us- we are still alive! Kiara is doing very well weighing in at 10lb 6oz which is 4.7kg.We are under Plunket now. Said goodbye to our midwife last week. I was a bit sad. Gave her a cool kilt pin from Kilt as a gift. As it is winter here and the first of the polar blasts has come through it is rather cold. Not to worry as I stoke up the fire at Kiara's early morning feed and it's toasty when we rise again about 7.30. She is challenging at bed times and prefers to fall asleep in our arms at this young age (little witch). We are in the process now of deciding what method to use. Apart from it taking us an hour to leave the house, me having broke nights of sleep and us not knowing what all her cries mean we are surviving. It apparently gets easier now she is 6 weeks! Smiles are becoming more regular. I go to coffee group each Friday & that is a good outing and a chance to talk about other stuff apart from babies. I am taking Kiara to music classes soon.Nath is coping really well and is a fantastic Dad. He has been busy as usual with his work. Sometimes I go for a cruise out to his site just to get outta the house. Well I just received a power chuck from a very cute girl so better sign off and go and change into yet another pair of PJ's. Keep safe & continue to lap up your awesome holiday, take one of those cars for a back road spin & I'll blog a shorter message next time... prob in 3 weeks!! nah will try for more often. Peace out! Love Marz! xoxoxo