Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Fort Edmonoton!

Hello Everyone,

WOW, what WONDERFUL responses we had from our last posts - I wonder did it have anything to do with my GROWL? Well, whatever the reason, Shane and I have really appreciated the feedback, comments and general communication from you all - so thank-you!

Well, yes we continue to sightsee and trip around parts of Canada. At the moment we are getting ourselves familiar with Edmonton and it's history.

Sanford and Tegan took us to Fort Edmonton Park which has re-created the 1846 Fort and the Streets of 1885, 1905 and 1920 depicting Edmontons early history.

The whole park was set out as it was back in those times and there were even people in costume who played roles within the different era's. I just LOVED it and I got to meet so many AMAZING people. Shane on the other hand enjoyed it too but he was there to learn about the facts and how things worked - he was not that interested in talking to the characters like I was. Tegan enjoyed trying out some of the sports equipment of the time. All in all it was a lot of fun and we spent the whole day here and just loved it!

I wonder if my friends from Lumsden can see who I met at Fort Edmonton? Don't forget to send me the answers so I know that you know. (hint hint Sheree and Mags)!

After such a busy day, it was decided by Lorna and Sanford that we should have a relaxing night just the four of us going to the local Comedy Club - actually it wasn't that relaxing as we were all in fits of laughter the entire time! I even got the stitch from laughing so much! What a blast! (I know almost all of you reading would have just loved it - Shane and I are even keen to go again to watch another act - yep, groupies!)

From here we went to the Casino and checked it out. We put in $5 each and each had a turn at chosing where we put the money - well you wouldn't beleive it - yep there was a machine called 'Rakin it In.' Well, with a machine that has my name in it I just had to play - Yep, won us $100!!! We were winners and of course I told all the other gamblers there as well - they of course not at all impressed as $1000,000 is seen as a win not $100 - well too bad, cause as far as were were concerned we came out on top - BIG TIME!! Just so you know, yes we did keep the money and have decided to spend it on a night having Caesar's! Caesar's are the in drink over here. It's vodka and Clamato juice - not tomatoe but Clamato! Don't ask me what the difference is but they taste damn nice and go down a treat!!!! So I will keep you posted on when we have these!

Rak & Shane.

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