Thursday, June 28, 2007


Wow, so we survived our three nights in Banff and we could have easily stayed longer - but we were also very excited to be moving on to Jasper. Yes, and on our way we did see more bears! AMAZING!

On our way to Jasper we got to stop off at Lake Lousie - this scenery was so sureal it was just too beautiful for words. A lovely lake and the Rockies just planted in the backdrop - how AMAZING! Another beautiful hotel was there and more GREAT shops! You may be able to see in some of the photos what Shane picked up there!!!!

Now onto Jasper! The highlights - all of the many beautiful lakes, waterfalls and canyons we saw. Shane and I did a lot of hiking and walking but it was well worth some of the 3 hour hikes we did!

On one of our walks Tegan found a toad and a snake! He is truely amazing with animals and nothing frightens him about them. he even scrambled through the bush to catch the snake - unbelievable! I had a little touch - but not for too long!

I did however hand feed a squirrel at one of the lookouts we went to - he even climbed up my leg to try and eat some of more of my ice-cream!

So now we are back in Edmonton we have many more adventures planned! We have Canada Day celebrations this weekend - should be a BIG one and lots of other exciting things planned. Keep visiting our blog and you will soon read all about what we are up to!

Just a note to everyone who is making the effort to read our blogs - yes, you do have to sign in each time you want to make a post!!! Best thing to do is sign in first then place your post - this way you won't loose your work! And you should not be having any problems - I know my Mum isn't!!!! (Well done Ruth).

If you are taking the time to read PLEASE add a note to us! Shane and I are wanting to know you is reading them! It takes two seconds to sign in and make a post.

Ngarie and John, great to hear you are reading the blog but now we challenge you to add your post to them - we look forward to hearing from you both - hint, hint!!!

Marzie, I know you have a new baby but come on, you know I can't go 6 weeks without some smart and fun comment from you so do your best girlfriend - I am counting on you!

Lumsden - GREAT you are writng to me but I would also like to hear what the children think about the photos they see - they must make some comments when they see them and I would love to know what they are - remember a story or something of that nature would be good from them too!

O.K enough grumbing from me, hopefully this will prompt everyone to make an effort! Remember, the idea of the blog is for you to make comments on what you see, ask questions and fill us in on whats going on in NZ.

Until next blog,

Rak and Shane. xxx

Our Visit to Banff!

Hi Everyone,

so sorry it has been a while since I sent a bog but we have been away for 6 nights in Banff and Jasper and have only arrived home to Edmonton today.

We had a wonderful trip and got to see the most beautiful scenery!

Some of the highlights; definatly the Grizzly Bear sighting right across the road from our Hotel! This was Sanfords first Grizzly sighting so we were pretty chuffed we were there with him to see that too. He was a really big bear and we were only metres away from him! AWESOME! Well, you wouldn't beleive it, we then managed to see a further 4 more sightings on our trip of black bears! They too were really close to the road side so we just stopped and watched them! There you go Lumsden, I was able to see quite a few real life bears - no Emmalee, I was not eaten by one - just as well!

Unfortunatly, we were unable to see any of the actual well known and common wildlife of Canada such as Elk, Big Horn sheep or Moose! Sanford said this was really weird as usually they see these animals in Banff and Jasper all the time - not this trip, we only got to see bears!

Now from the photos you will see Shane and I got to visit some very famous mountains - can you remember what they are?

That's right the Rockies!

We didn't get to acutally climb them but we did go on a gondala ride right up high and were able to walk amongst the Rockies. It was quite cold but beautiful scenery!

Banff was extremely beautiful fullstop! We loved walking around the town and seeing the sights. One of my favourite places was the Baff Springs Hotel - at first we thought Lorna and Sanford had us staying there - but instead we stayed at the Inns of Banff, which is just as well really or we wouldn't have seen the Grizzly Bear!

We did spend a day walking through the Hotel and we even got to see some very flash cars there too - 11 Lamborghini and Ferrari's - thought you might like to see these James!

We have also seen some very pretty and special waterfalls on our trip. The one in Banff was called Bow Falls - lovely.

You will also see from the photos that our hotel had outside hot pools and you will notice that as we swam and relaxed we had the Rockies behind us! Just Beautiful.
Jasper to come!

Rakelle and Shane. xxx

Thursday, June 21, 2007


So far we have done a couple of really cool tours! They are of important places around Edmonton. The Legislature Building and today the museum. Both were a lot of fun and very imformative - Shane and I now feel we know a lot about Edmonton and it's history.

We also got to meet up with many interesting creatures and animals we thought we might see here in Canada.

So I thought I would answer some of the questions I have been asked from my Lumsden friends; Firstly, I am so glad Tanya Batt was really cool - I can't wait to hear all about the Pig story she did;
Yes George, I have met one cowboy but I am still looking out to meet more, you will notice in the photo he is wearing something you will recognise, can you see it? Look at what I am holding with the cowboy;
Shane also had a photo taken next to a really BIG cowboy boot; Yes Jack, I have also seen some indians, they were at the museum, can you see from the photos I took which ones are indians?
Now Sienna, Grace and Emmalee I also saw the animals you mentioned at the museum, I took a photo especially for you so you see them, can you find the photos on this blog?
I have also found some other famous animals to Canada. One of them you migh recognise the other three you might not. One is a beaver and the other is a bison and the other is called a Big Horn sheep.. Geordie I wonder if you can find some information about these animals in any of your books. Let me know if you do, I would love to hear any information you find.
No Jack, I haven't have pancakes yet but I hope to have some very soon - I will take a photo and let you know what they taste like.
I did have something yummy for lunch - can you see what it is? I wonder if you can remember what country that food comes from?

Yes Maggie and Sheree I am practicing my self-control, courage and U-tanga!

Say hi to Collie from me, and give her a really big cuddle and a nice pat on the back from me. Also give Kahu a big cuddle, I can't wait to hear all about the adventures he has had while I am away. Did he have a good time with your Mum Zara? I hope you helped your Mum practice her responsibility and commitment!

O.k, well I had better go and I will continue to add posts on my BLOG. Please do the same and keep those questions coming - thats for everyone not just Lumsden.

Thanks to everyone who has added to the blog, it is so nice to hear from home and whats been happening - come on the rest of you, do you bit please!!!
We are off to the Jasper and Banff this weekend with Lorna, Sanford, Tegan and Leah. We will get to see the famous moutains of Canada - can you remember the name of them?

Until next time,

Rak and Shane.

The Biggest Mall in the World!

Yes, to those who are interested, we have been to the BIGGEST shopping mall in the world! WOW, we spent 5 hours there and only saw a very small portion of it. If you are wondering, yes I still have money left - I budgeted!

This mall is so big it has a ship wreck on one layer where we saw a seal do a show! It has an indoor wave pool where people swim. An ice rink! And even an amusement park with roller-coasters and other rides!

There are over 800 stores throughout the mall and most are well worth looking at.
Can my friends at Lumsden work out what the big sign is over the ice-rink?

When we went we managed to snap up quite a few bargins - Shane actually seemed to get the best buys by rummaging through piles - he found two jersey's for $5 each down from $70. BARGIN!

We are planning to go there many more times before our trip has ended! I wonder what other bargins Shane will find. I will keep you posted.

Shane also found a really 'nice' restaurant for us to eat in at the mall. He said his friend Leaonard had recommended it. Shane was so impressed with the service that he asked to have his photo taken with the waitresses. It is the happiest I have seen him in a long time - thanks Leonard!!!!!! I don't know what all the fuss was about - the food wasn't the best we have had!!! It is also the most I have seen Shane tip this trip too! I wonder why?

Still another post to come!

We're in Edmonton!

Hi everyone,

so sorry it has been a while since we last 'Blogged' but we have been very busy! So far we have had 3 nights and 4 days here with Lorna, Sanford, Tegan and Little Leah and it has been all go!

When we were in LA everything was in English or Spanish. Now we are in Canada we hear and see things in English and French! Loving hearing the languages and hearing people using them too.

We are living with the family at their lovley home in South Terwilligar. The residents are; Lorna, Sanford, Tegan, Leah, Carter, Jack and Rose!

From the pictures, can you see what Rose is?She is a Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula Spider and she is very big!!! Both Shane and I were a little bit scared to touch her at first - Shane more than me believe it or not, but Tegan reassured us that she was harmless and wouldn't hurt us. He was right. Tegan also put Rose upside down and showed us her fangs - they were HUGE! I now know not to upset her in any way!

The House is really lovely and the family have only been at this residence for a couple of weeks. There is still a lot of construction going on in their street. We have been for a 'ticky tour' all over the neighbour hood and it is just as you see on t.v - suburbin living - a lot like Desperate Housewives! Beautiful houses, lovely sections - but small, just perfect!

The first night we were here we got to see Tegan play lacross - this was very interesting because this is a game that is not common in New Zealand. The game is played in a ice hockey arena - but not on ice - and Tegan had to wear a helmet and padding all over his body. He had a very special stick which he used to catch the ball - he wasn't allowed to use his hands at all. The team then had to try to toss the ball from their sticks to each other and then into a very small net at the end of the rink! It was a very fast paced game and so much fun - his team won 6 goals to 1 - GREAT game and Tegan played especially well since his Uncle Shane and Rak were watching!

Keep tuned for our next blog!

Rak & Shane.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Universal Studios!

Today we visited Universal Studios! WOW, what FUN! GREAT rides and just COOL atmosphere!Met some very famous people too, can you name the people I saw? - yeah the photos are for my Lumsden friends and for anyone else who is a fan!And guess what Lumsden, they even had stuff there about another country we have studied - can you see what I found?

Also got to see the set of Desperate Housewifes - now that was cool - got to travel down Wisteria Lane - the actual place they film the outside shots for the show! AWESOME - Shane thought it a little boring! He did enjoy all of the 'hairy' rides though, not so much me screaming beside him, but hey that's all part of the fun right!

O.k, so that just about winds up our two days here in LA. The place is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and everyone is so friendly! The weather is FANTASTIC, not too hot and not cool. Does drop at night but other than that it is GREAT!

Interesting things so far;

- the smog, don't know if I could get used to that everyday. It is like a thick grey fog that does lift but not until late morning.

- most things do not open until 10.00 in the morning but are open late at night.

- driving on the right-hand side of the road! Just too weird for me! And just so nobody is worried, no I did not get my international licence, so there is not any chance of me causing or being involved in anymore accidents than is neccessary! (If nobody already knows, yes I was involved in a minor car accident the day before we flew out! I know, I know, typical me)

- the accent! Although, they keep saying ours is really thick and hard to understand!

O.k, well that's enough from me, thanks to everyone for making posts on our blog. We are looking forward to receiving many more.

Now Lumsden, I am wondering if you can answer my questions I asked as well as keeping me posted about what's happening at Kindy. I would love to know what Tanya Batt was like. Did she do the Gingerbread Man song?
By the way, sorry about the side view photos. Don't know how to rotate them in blog - don't worry I will work it out and hopefully you wond't need to twist your head in future.

Love you all and thanks once again, keep in touch and so will we,Rakelle & Shane xxxxxx