Wednesday, July 18, 2007

YEEHAAA!!! Calgary Stampede Day 2

Well we returned to the Stampede for Day 2!!!

This time we got to see the Rodeo!!! We saw bull riding, Bareback riding, Barrel Racing and Calf Racing - all of this was FUN and EXCITING to watch!

At the end of all of the heats there was a 'tweenies' group! These were the children Cowboys and Cowgirls who had to catch a wild shetland pony then try and get on it's back! Zara you would have loved this part! The horses would have been about the size of Peggy but not as nice or friendly as Peggy was! The children were very good though and some even managed to get onto the back of their wild pony!

After the Rodeo we yet again walked around the grounds and the carnival - can you see who I met?

Jack I told this Mountie Police Officer how you found information about them and that I needed a photo with him to show you - he was very impressed you were researching about Mounties and said to say a very BIG hi to you!

We also went and had a look at the native village at the Stampede. We got to see lots of teepees and got to see some traditional indian dancing - it was AWESOME.

That night we once again went into town. This time we went to a bar called Cowboys!!! This is a very famous bar in Calgary and is a known local hangout for cowboys - fancy that. We also learnt while we were there that the bar was going to be pulled down and set up in a new spot, so we were lucky to be able to go there and have a beer in this very famous local bar.

From here we couldn't help it, we decided to return to the Karaoke bar from the night before - no we didn't sing but we sure did have a lot of fun singing along with the locals there - a lovely little bar and yummy yummy pizza!!!

So that was our time in Calgary and attending the Stampede!

This weekend we are off to Drumheller - will not ruin the surprise of what we are doing there, you will just have to tune into our next blog!!! All I can say is that Lumsden I am sure you will love it!!!!!

O.k now some personal notes;

Firstly, thanks Mrs Harris for your posts - Mum had said you were interested in what we were doing so it was nice you were able to do this via our blog. Am impressed that it's the 'oldies' who seem to have more technical knowledge than some of our younger friends. Thanks also for keeping us up to date with all the sports results we appreciate it. Keep your posts coming.

Michy, great to hear Shona and Ray are alright!!! Nice your Mum and Dad are having a nice time in Surfers - are they blogging their trip too? The photo of the tractors is for your Daniel just in case you didn't know - hope he likes it, I realise it's not that clear but he should get some idea.

Trace; GREAT news about your Bro. You are an aunty 3 times over now!! Henry is a lovely name and I bet Chris was chuffed his name was used too! Yep, me missing our chats too - no worries will be back before you know it and will make it a priority to ring you. We are thinking about coming to Palmy soon after we get back so it might have to be a marathon shopping spree too - though I don't have a lot of money left!!!!! Will keep you posted.

Ruth the bathroom sounds like it is going to look fantastic - can't wait!!! Glad that our little one is doing ok. Not only are you keeping her company on the weekends but I bet Ollie is enjoying you guys being there too!!!! Ha ha.

Ngaire and John, great to hear from you both. Sounds like you have some adventures of your own to share with us when we return. You would have loved the Stampede and we all thought of you both many times during the weekend!!!!

Skanky, gosh you get around!!!! Christina will be such a COOL concert! Just behave yourself!!!! Yep knew Honky might find it hard to leave his chair - tell him from me he's getting like a grumpy old man - that will rark him up a bit!!! So sorry to hear about your mongrel Max. Both Shane and I send our condolences. We did have a chuckle though when we read how Honky had made the kennel then Max decided to cark it - typical! Will you be getting a new mongrel? Great to hear from you, keep your posts coming, I love hearing whats happening!

Hi Uncle Tony and Mary, great to hear from you again. Typical of my brother to want to get the best deal he can and also typical that he is looking at doing something that makes him look good!!! Hope it all works out for everyone in the end though! Send my love to Poppa won't you! I don't like hearing he is unwell and I do worry about him. Hopefully Mum will have sent him my blogs so that might cheer him up a bit!!! Nice to hear Mum and Dad will be paying you a visit soon - should be fun! Keep the posts coming.

Lumsden, it sounds like you have all been very busy. I like knowing what you have been up to! The necklaces sound like fun and I hope someone has made one for me! Zara your diary sounds like a WONDERFUL idea and I am just so happy you are taking responsibility for everyone there - keep up the GREAT work. I would like to know what you think about the photos of the stampede - I thought about you the whole time I was there, knowing you would love to be there too. Now you asked about the castle you saw in my pictures. Well, it does not belong to anyone, it is a Hotel so people can stay there. We didn't we stayed in a pyramid hotel called the Luxor - it's a lot like Egypt. The castle is what we saw from our hotel window. I would have liked to have stayed there too. Yes I did see the Eiffel tower in Las Vagas - it's not the real one just a pretend one - cool though. Well done to you and James for recognising the Sphinx!

Anna you are right there are caves here in Canada for the bears. Unfortunately I will not be going on any bear hunts but I did get to see lots of them standing on the side of the road when we were driving through the Rockies! If I see any more I will let you know.

Make sure you check out my next blog as I am sure you will all enjoy seeing where I am going. I wonder if you can guess where I might be going and what I will see?

Miss you all heaps and am really enjoying hearing what you have been up too. Keep them coming.

Until next time

Rak and Shane xxxxx

O.k, o.k, I will put you all out of your misery - No Shane and I did not get hitched at the chapel in Vegas - firstly Elvis wasn't working that night and secondly Shane didn't want to pay out the $100 it would cost to get done. Plus, as you can see from the picture I wasn't looking my best and I would have liked to have worn something a little nicer!! So there you go we are still the same as always!!! Hope that has put every ones minds at rest!!!


Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
Well I bet your Mum and Dad are disappointed that you didn't get married in Vegas...$100 would have been a bargin compared to what you will have to pay for your wedding here!!!! Thanks for attaching the photos of the John Deere's for Dan...he was very interested. Sounds like you had a super weekend away. No, Pete and Jean havn't blogged their trip but Pete has been sending VERY regular text messages!! Well the weather here has been shocking, it has done nothing but rain so make the most of the sunshine!! We are back into the swing of school again. I had my first day back today, it was a bit of a mission. Susan isn't yet well enough to look after the kids and with Mum and Dad still being away i had to take the kids to school for the morning. Not easy but we coped. Any way will look forward to the next blog.
Love Mich

Valerie said...

Kia Ora Rak & Shane
Finally ...!! However, I HAVE been reading your blogs. You're whole trip sounds fantastic and I am thrilled that you are having the experience(s)of a lifetime over there!!! A shame about Vegas though (lol or the lack of event there)!! Canada, and specifically Calgary look and sound fabulous!! I do want to know if you both rode on one of those mechanical rodeo bronco things. It's Fridsy 3pm, my kids have just finished electricity experiments and learning reflections ... and I am offffffff!!!! YIPPEE
I will post another note either when I come in on the weekend OR at some stage on Monday.
Keep having a wonderful time and thanks for keeping us so fabulously updated!
Love Valerie

ma&pa said...

Hello to you both, I am getting better on the computer thanks to yo two.
Loved the pictures of Calgary, yep would have loved to have been there, guess we will have to come over there to show the people in that little bar you all went to how to sing {yeah right}I'm pleased to know that we are better than them anyway.
Well time is moving on and soon you will both be on your way home, looking forward to the video session.
Tell Lorna she looks quite lean on it, guess she will have to come home for a few boil ups to fatten her up a little, can't say the same for Sandford as he looks okay ha ha.
Everything is alright here just now concerning Iriaka, and NO I will not have her come back here to live again , enough is enough.
Going out for tea so will catch up with you all again soon.
Carry on with the great adventure and keep enjoying yourselves
love to you both, please give Leah and Tegan a hug from us.
Ngaire and John

Marzie said...

Hi Guys - Vegas aye!!! Primo! Well not a lot has changed in our lives except that we are now getting a pattern from little miss as to how her days go. Feeding well and 4.92kg a week ago so will be over 5kg when we see you next. lots of smiles now and I tell you she is strong in her neck & very nosey (like her Dad!). Our lounge is a playground for her visually with our colour scheme. Every morning we play the CD from you Rak and I almost know all the words. Clare has bought it too. Sue came over the other day and we went and got her preggie clothes and I took her to Baby Factory - a place I never EVER used to shop in! Funny how things change. Kiara will be 9 weeks on July 20. We (5 girls) got Dad tickets to rugby in Auckland NZvAussie for his birthday. Him & Ma then head to Noosa for a couple weeks- we didn't buy those tickets!! We had to order another load of wood. Seem to have chewed through a bit being home all day. Kiara starts music classes on July 20th!! Classic aye! Goes for a term. It cracks me up that I am taking a midget to music!! Work is very busy for Nath as usual. He's a bit sniffy (use a tissue!!) at the moment from working outside and getting too cold. Shorties has been wicked. Clare has been murdered & Maia has a possible Downs kid! Toni& Harry still not back! This week TK has some of his rellies cause havoc and stress Sarah by the looks of the shorts! NipTuck - missed it - was being a mother. Ultimate Idol- dunno cos t's crap & I don't watch it. I can't wait to come for a family holiday to CleeVegas! I want to ask you so many things and check out your new wardrobe. I hope Tez has done a good job of the bathroom. Good to read Rootz was looking after your ugly looking cat! Believe this: the letters I got are up! Oh yeah would you like visitors (Kean Whanau) & would you like to babysit Kiara on Feb 2nd 2008? If not sweet as. We have a wedding at the Mission - Bec Tod. Well I'm a bit brain dead now so best I gap it to bed. Little miss is giving us 5-6hour stints so that is primo. I do read ya blogs regularly but to add takes more time so apologies my return comments are not regular. Am feeling on top of life now and routines are developing involving our beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl! She is 57.5cm long! Ok enough blab from me. Arohanui korua! xoxo Marzie PS: Mandz visted the other week with the kids. It was great & her kids are a crack up. Brea is a little madame. Classic man!

Marzie said...

Hi Guys - It's Friday 20 July and I've managed to sign in and post - Mummy brain & I keep forgetting the process & pass word etc. Have been out for lunch twice this week with the other mummies!! yes I intiated it - naughty but everyone went away feeling half human again. had my cousin Karen & Aunty Fiona call in tonight from wellington with her kids. jack is 3 weeks younger than Kiara. It was really cool to see them. Nathan is working on the massive upgrade of manfield park; a massive job - lots of plumbing required there! I do hope you are moving your bowels while you are away. 6 weeks is a long time to hold on Rak! I love my daughter by the way! Oh well att least you'll get to see Kiara before too long, the batchelor kids haven't meet her yet!! will fill you in! I'm hosting coffee next week so will have to get onto the home baking over the weekend!! ok off to bed. LOve You guys heaps - can't wait to catch up but are happy to wait till you have been to Palmi & we head over to you - if you'll have us!! xOxO Marz

Ruth said...

Well the countdown is on until you two return to Godzone! I am disappointed that I won't be on hand to collect you from the Airport and will have to wait until the weekend to catch up with you both. Hopefully the atrocious weather conditions that we have been experiening this month will finally cease and the road between Napier and Gisborne will remain clear of slips so that it won't hold up my return!
It's been an eventful weekend. The All Blacks beat Ozzie 26-12 and thus retained both the Bledisloe and Tri-Nation cups. The conditions during the game weren't flash and there was only 1 try in the match, to Tony Woodcock. The rest of our points came from Dan Carter who looks like he is coming back into his best form. An hour later the Silver Ferns played Ozzie in Melbourne and came from 10 points behind to draw the match on the final whistle. They played 15 minutes of extra time and won by 2 so a great result for our kiwi teams.
Christine and I went to a jewellry making class in Taradale yesterday. It took 4 hours and we came away wearing our projects! It was very interesting so we might give it another go at a later date.
Terry and I went out to Clive today to check that the Painter had been - he hadn't, so the Old Boy was fuming. He is going to give the guy a rark up tomorrow as we want to get it all completed before you return and we are running out of time. Hopefully he will be able to complete the job this week. Possum arrived but didn't stick around long, I think she was disappointed that we weren't who she was hoping to see. There were feathers up the hall but no sign of a bird!!
I'm sorry Shane, there were no rugby results for Hawkes Bay in the Sunday paper. I'll have to wait for tomorrow nights local paper to let you know how Clive got on yesterday.
Enjoy the last week of your holiday, especially the Tahiti leg of the journey.
Keep safe, Lots of love,

Christine Harris said...

Hi R & S, I have been having trouble signing into your blog, hence the time in getting back to you. I write a nice long note and then it wipes it. HOPEFULLY I am all sorted now, THANKS TO RUTHIE. Well she has given you the weekends updates but before that, we had lost to Oz in netball by 7 goals during the week and that was at home. On Saturday night I only watched until we were 10 down and thought, I can't watch them thrash us again. When I got up and went to the gym at 7.50am on Sunday morning I head on the radio that the game went to extra time. I was sooooo brassed off but am hoping someone will have it taped for me. Your Mum mentioned our jewellery class. It was great and our pieces we made look VERY professional. Have our names down for a second session. Who knows, I might be able to give up work!!! YEAH RIGHT. We went to the Basketball Ball at the PG Area on Friday night. The Tall Blacks played Venezuala. We won a very physical game by about 25 goals. Great night and packed stadium. Yesterday (Sunday) they played again in Wellington and we beat them by about 20. One more game on Tuesday night, same night as the Ferns play Oz again in Adelaide. I will be watching the whole game this time, but truly, who would think we could be down by 10 and come back and beat "Norman's" team. Jim's been off work for a couple of days. He had been down in ypuk for 4 days last week working out in the dreadful weather we have been having. Well thats about all except for the very sad news that Jarrod Cunningham passed away this morning. Very sad but one has to say he has had more time than most with his condition.
Cheers to your both.

sam and amy said...

big hi to shane and rak from aunty amy and uncle sam. What a great blog just love it and love finding out about your great adventure. Sure looks like a lot of fun. What a great way to keep in touch. and I can save some of your pics straight into my computer, how awesome. Love the teepee, and tegan could make those stilts a bit higher. I remember having those when we were young. luv u lots. look forward to more news. sam and amy

Ruth said...

Further update on the sporting events in the weekend. The Warriors beat the West Tigers 28-16 and are now sitting 6th on the League ladder.
However, not good news for Clive who lost 42-20 to Havelock. Apparently the Havelock B team defaulted so your team won that round, Shane!
See you soon.
Love Mum

Lumsden said...

Hey Rakelle and Shane,
Well I guess you are almost getting ready for your tropical stopover. We are all very excited you are coming home. The chidlren and Maggie and I have missed you. Many of the chidlren have been counting down the sleeps until you get back.

On you last post at the Calgary Stampede Zara was amazed. She commented as I read her your blog and showed her the pictures; "WOW. A cowboy Stampede and Bullriding. My Dad tried to ride a bull buit he fell off.
How can kids ride cowboy ponies?"

Zara also wanted to tell you that the necklaces she made were magnetic so they sometimes break - in respsonse to your comment, "I hope someone makes me a necklace'.

Jack loved the helicopter, which was flying the Canadian Flag. He also commented on a photo, "I saw motorbikes at my show I went to too Rakelle." He also fell in love with the Castle.

Jack also wanted to ask, "Why do the wolves howl at the moon. Are they nocturnal?"

Travel Safely back, Can't wait to see you.....

Anna; "That's so cool. Rakelle is wearing a cowboy hat. That's funny." - Hope you bring this back.

Love Lumsden. xxxx

PS Maggie says; Have an Awesome time in Tahiti. She hopes you've really enjoyed your trip. We both can't wait to catch up and have a wine or two.
