Thursday, July 12, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Hi Everyone, yes, I realise we haven't added anything to our blog for a wee while but Shane and I have been living it up in Vegas Baby, Vegas!

Yes, that's right, we went and spent 3 nights, 4 days in Las Vegas!

Man, unbelievable comes to mind when I think about the place. I wasn't that keen to go at first but for the small amount of money to get there I thought, why not!

Am so glad we made the trip, believe me, you will not see anything like this anywhere else and it is worth just going to Vegas to see the 'extremes' that make the place the way it is!

Everything is done on such a HUGE scale and so 'Way Out' that little old NZ pales in comparison with our buildings - not saying this is a bad thing, just trying to put it all into perspective for you. For those of you that have already been, you will know what I am talking about.

O.K so Shane and I went to Las Vegas on Sunday night. We stayed in the Luxor Hotel/Casino - now my friends from Lumsden will see that I got to stay in a pyramid and I wonder who can see what was right at the front of the Pyramid?

In Vegas the temperature was a mild 45 degrees so it was a little hot outside!

In the time we stayed in Vegas we were able to go down 'the strip' a few times. Once via the monorail, stopping off at each Hotel Casino to have a look. The second time we walked most of it but did not go into the hotels, more sight seeing than anything - did have to take cover in shops as we went just to get away from the heat - but hey, I'm not complaining!

So as I have said the place was just too unbelievable for words - to try and put a small understanding of it for you I will describe some of the AMAZING things we saw inside the Hotel/Casino's. Each Casino/ Hotel has a theme, and within their space they will stick to this theme throughout the building.

In the MGM Grand, which was one of my favourites, they had a natural, wildlife sort of theme going on. There was a rain forest restaurant where you sat amongst (pretend) wild animals, vines, fish tanks, and the night sky on the ceiling. While you ate there was a simulated rain storm as well as you got to see the animals move and make sounds - really quite AWESOME!

Now, the rain forest might have been set up and pretend but the lion enclosure was not - yes you heard right, there was a big lion enclosure right in the middle of the casino, so while you gambled you could watch the lions at play - AMAZING!

Now, one of the Casino/Hotels was called the Paris - I wonder if from the photos you can figure out why? I am sure you all can!!! Here the whole set up was of France and was just magnificent.

I have forgotten to mention that each casino/hotel has a multitude of restaurants a shopping centre, clubs and pubs, theatres, shows, concerts, some even have roller coasters and theme parks and this is all INSIDE the building - see what I mean - UNBELIEVABLE!!! The Venetian even has water canals throughout the building so you can go for a Cruise along the water - now remember, all of this is inside the building!

Some of you may already know about the famous water feature outside the Belligio Casino/Hotel. This water feature comes on every 30 minutes and is a presentation and display of water dancing to music - FANTASTIC!

We managed to see two shows while we were there. One of them was put on by Cirque Du Soleil! WOW, now that was AWESOME!

Now of course there are the standard icons Vegas is know for - The Strip, Elvis, and chapels. We got to see all of the above!

There were even stores dedicated to particular merchandise such as M & M World and the Coke shop! Yes, both were a few stories high and at Coke you could get a drink (coke of course) and walk around the shop with it as you shopped! Unfortunately you couldn't eat M & M's as you shopped in M & M world - I was a little disappointed about this!

O.k, so I know many of you are wondering if we came away either bankrupt or millions of dollars richer! Well, neither! Yes we gambled a little - well hey, we were in Vegas! But to put all of your minds at rest, we were there for the atmosphere and fun so very little of our time was spent gambling.

Did we enjoy ourselves? We sure did! But as fun a place as Vegas is, both Shane and I agreed that the 3 nights was enough! Would we go back again - sure would! It seems that if you are American, it is the norm to return to Vegas at least once every two years if not every year! It's like a place where people go to get away from it all, which does sound hard to believe but is true. Even though we know it as the Gambling Capital of the world, there were so many families around! And yes it is true that it is the City that Never Sleeps - there is always something going on no matter what time it is and there are always crowds of people everywhere and anywhere we went! Truly AMAZING and an experience both Shane and I would recommend to anyone and everyone!

So now we are back to good old Edmonton with Lorna, Sanford, Tegan and Leah and the fun is here is also continuing. Tomorrow the four adults take a road trip to Calgary, where we will be attending the Famous Annual Calgary Stampede! Can't wait! We are all really looking forward to it and have each gone out of our way to get into the theme of the event - watch for upcoming blogs to see how we got on!

It should be another AMAZING experience for Shane and I and we just can't wait to see the events and take part in the celebrations later in the evening!!!

We are going for the weekend so I will hopefully have a post on the blog when we return!

Now I need to return comments to our wonderful friends and family members who are adding their own comments and questions to our blog;

Firstly; lovely to see that Uncle Tony you are making an effort to keep up to date with latest technology and of course our whereabouts! Wonderful to hear from you and it was so nice for Shane and I to read your comments and know you are thinking of us! Keep tuning in for new instalments and we look forward to your continued comments - hint hint.

Well done Kirk for finally adding a post - was wondering where you had got to! Big Ern's 30th sounds like a hoot! Can't wait to see photos from it! Will be back before you know it so will have to have a marathon phone catch up when I get back and I will get back into my helpful big sister mode! Shane Dogg was impressed you noticed his Clive attire he has been wearing on the trip - Cougars have also featured a little bit - had you noticed?

Michy, am very sad to hear about the Brown's - I am actually hoping you might send me a happy post soon!!!!! Please keep me informed about them! Poor little Daniel! I hope he gets better soon!

Anita Frew where are you? You start off with a fun blog and then nothing!!!!! Please add something so I know you are still out there!

Trace, am assuming you are fit and well - add another post please so I know!

Marzie, am sure things are all good with you and that beautiful little baby of yours!! If you get some spare time drop us a post would love to hear from you and what's new with Kiara!

RuBays where are you??????????????????????

Want to hear from you all again!!!! Tanya and Ivan and Ngaire you all would have loved Vegas - Ivan did you see who I got to meet - ok so it's not the real King but hey, it's the next best thing!

Ok so now my friends at Lumsden!!!!

Firstly Zara - Ka pai to you for practicing your commitment and sending me interesting stories from Kindy - I love reading about them and also love how you are finding interesting information for me to read - keep them coming! Thank-you for keeping Maggie and Sheree under control!

Wow Anna, I have also been to the craters of the moon in Taupo and know how cool it is - thank-you for telling about your visit. When I get back to Lumsden you will have to tell me all about it - we could compare stories!

Now what is this about Kahis? He sounds like a WONDERFUL friend for Kahu! I can't wait to meet him! Is there a list to take him home too? If there is, maybe you could add my name to it so I could take him home when I return! What an AWESOME idea Anna - you are truly so creative!

Bye Bye Bryny - I am really going to miss you! Am glad to know Llewellyn has started!

Sad to hear so many of my friends have left but I am really excited to meet all the new children that have started since I have been gone!

Oh I hope Collie was ok at the Vet! I remember how she gets a little scared about going! Did you all remember to tell her to practice her courage?

Now Mags and Shirl, good luck with cleaning out the big shed - do not throw out anything that I think we should keep - I will know!!!!!!

Oh, I am really disappointed I missed the digger and Darren! I would have liked to have gone for a ride on a digger too! I hope you took photos so I can see it when I return!
Well done Jack for noticing the optical illusion I did at the Science Centre - It was a really really big one and it made everything look so HUGE after 20 seconds of looking at it!

Now about the blog - my suggestion, why don't you write down what the children say then type it on the post? I know it is a bit of a double up but this way the children's ideas get to be heard and I get to read them. If it's a problem no worries! Shame I am not there to see the renovations though I can't wait to come back and be surprised! I am assuming you are documenting all of the progress!!!!!!!! another project maybe????????

Also, I ask quite a few questions in my blogs to you guys so if the children answer my questions I would love to know who answered it and what they said - ie, I loved knowing that Jack remembered the optical illusion experiment - see that's what I like to know too!!!!!!!

Ok, enough moaning from me will send another post after Calgary but will check to see who has been on and reading - means you need to send us a post ok!!!!!!!!

Until next time,

all our love

Rak and Shane. xxxxxxx


Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
Had wondered what had happened to you!!! I have to say, you are the best blogger out...I love reading them. Never mind about the gambling in Vegas, what i want to know is if you got married in Vegas???!!! I looked at the photo of you standing outside The Chapel at Luxor and got quite excited!!! What an amazing time you have so jealous!
Well, an update on Ray and Shona for you. Shona is doing well and by the story in tonights paper is due to be discharged from hospital soon. Ray is still in intensive care but it sounds like he is doing ok. He is off life support which is definatly a good sign.
Mum and Dad are having a fantastic time on the Sunshine Coast...lucky things. Am sick of this weather here, mind you i'm not sure how i would cope with 45 degrees.
Looking forward to your next blog.
Love Mich

Ruth said...

Hi You 2,
My word you are certainly packing a lot into your holiday. You will have so many adventures to tell us all about when you get home.
Like Michelle, I too picked up on the photo outside the Chapel - is there something you forgot to mention?!!
It's still very cold and miserable here so make the most of the summer conditions over there - you will get a shock when you get back home!
Terry had a bit of patching work to do on your bathroom ceiling to get it ready for the painter so we went out to Clive on Saturday morning. It took him about an hour to complete the job and Possum spent the whole time curled up on my lap! She takes up a bit more room than our Pinkers! We went back again this morning to check that the plaster had set and she was there again to meet us. I told her that it was only a couple more weeks before she will have her family back.
I have now finished working in Masterton which is a relief as a couple of days down there the temperature never got above 6! So not very pleasant conditions for sure.
I'm working in Hastings branch this coming week, Napier the week after and then up to Gisborne for a week.
Good news Shane - Clive Prems trounced MAC 65-14.
Keep the Blogs coming. It's always a highlight when I log on and find that you have added another adventure to the site.
Take care and keep safe.
Love to you both,

ma&pa said...

Hi guys, yep it's me still trying to learn how to use this computer.
Vagas sounds like a fabulous place to visit.
It's great to be able to keep up with what you are doing and the interesting places you have been to
Everyone okay back this way, have kicked Iriaka out today and this time she won't be back, however will let you know details next time we are on land line.
Thinking about you all in Calgary today and the fab time you would all be having.
Will catch up again soon.
ka kite ano.

Christine Harris said...

Hi Rakelle & Shane,
Well I have to say that I have been in looking at your BLOG!!! and yes, aren't your Mum and I very clever for our age. I am sorry I have posted you a reply earlier but have been sooooo busy at work to do much else than work!!! really. Anyway, what a wonderful experience you two are having. Your Mum tells me when you have posted a blog and she is absolutely amazed at the detail you go into. She said she won't have to ask you anything about the trip you have been so good at explaining all your movements since leaving home.
NOW - about that Chapel!!!! I have friends who went there to renew their vows!!!! Are you trying to let us down gently OR DID YOU GO AHEAD WITH THE FULL MONTY!!!!
Glad you are having a great time. Terry SEEMS to be behaving himself. Your Mum is a saint with all her Sunday drives, recyclying to say just a couple of the many weekly routines!!!! Terry has. Must away, keep those blogs coming, really enjoy reading them.


Christine Harris said...

Hi again, I forgot to tell you that the Silver Ferns thrashed Jamaica by a record 44 goals in the first test and over 20 in the second and of course the ABs thrashed the Boks by 33 - 6. Not a convincing win tho. The Ferns play Australia on Wednesday night so I will try and remember to go in and let you know how we get on.


Tracey said...

Hey ANOTHER mention - nag nag nag - yes I was wondering about the chaple too. I have to be quick cos my lunch bread has nearly finished but thought you might like to know that Stu is now the proud father of Henry Francis (same as Chris's mid name) Greig. 7 pound 7. Born ysterday 16th July. Georgia was only 36 weeks but her waters broke so they had to induce her. Everything went well - no drugs!!!! I think she was quite happy it was early considering the size - they are now in a private hospital for 5 or 6 days while she gets back on her feet - oh to be rich I guess.

I will let Dad know that you saw Elvis too - you know he believes hs's still alive!!

Come home soon - I miss our phone marathons

Love Me

Lumsden said...

Hi Rakelle
We have been making necklaces. Are you going to be seeing any more fizzy drinks. Weve got new magnetic toys. Collie went to the vet and she is too fat and has to go on a diet. Zara has brought in a diary to ask the children what they want to say to you.
We wont comment on the Chapel but we did have the same thoughts as every on eelse. Shed still not cleaned out but as the builders had all their wood in the way and they couldn'tf shift it. We hope to do it this weekend. We have orderd 3 skips and are going to bin every thing??

We all miss you very much Love from every one at Lumsden Kindergarten

Uncle Tony said...

Hi, Kel & Shane

I got into a bit of bother last time at home because tiger got a mention and Mary didn't!
I thought the line "we're all fine over here" was inclusive for everyone, but obviously was not "selective" enough!
Have been contacted by Kirk who is looking to bring his rowing group to a day at the races. Finances are an "issue" and what he expects in relation to what he can have, are subject to "negotiation" but it seems it is good for The Boy's "image" that he is organising the group.
Didn't catch up with Poppa last week - he's still not 100% but think that is improving - a bit of fine weather would help.
Terry & Ruth may be coming up at the end of August for TD to give us an assessment on the house. We've been there 12 years this October and a bit of wear & tear is starting to show. If TD is happy to provide his expertise, it could keep him busy on Boxing Day if they come up for Xmas while others are out on the lawn at Pirongia races!
You needn't be too amazed that another blog has come your way - modern technology hasn't missed my generation!
Keep safe you two & continue with the wonderful time you're both experiencing.
Lots of love MARY, Tiger & tony xx

Munkedal Family said...

Hello Shane & Rak!


Just thought we'd share with everyone, just how much fun we've had with you both. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by!! This time next week we'll be bidding you farewell, & we are going to miss you both SO MUCH!!

It's been so exciting & fun seeing you experience & explore the wonderful places that we have here in Canada. I'm sure that you will both be in our minds, as we visit these places again in the future.

No doubt Rak, you will miss the sarcastic & smart ass remarks you get from Sandford (it's a good thing you give it right back!), & Shane, I will really miss just having you nearby. It will be a long time coming before someone else from NZ comes our way (HINT-HINT!!), so I truely do treasure & appreciate the time & costs involved, that it took you both to come.

Leah has just loved having you around to share in her cuddles & laughs. I'm sure she will be checking your room once you leave, to see where her Aunty & Uncle have gone. So too will Tegan - he's loved having you both around.

It's been a blast hanging out, enjoying our wines & coolers (I'm going to miss that!), & having you both to chat & enjoy our time with.

As the saying goes, it's been "beautiful ... just beautiful!" HA HA!!

We hope your last week here brings more excitement, new adventures, & plenty of photos & stories to share.

We're so glad you came to visit!
Love Lorna, Sandford, Tegan & Leah xxx

Lumsden said...

Hey Rakelle and Shane
Shirl here, I know that Maggie sent a post yesterday but I thought I'd post one too.

Sounds like you are both having an AMAZING time!!!!!The casinos and hotels in Vegas sound out of this world! I also wondered about Vegus and the Chapel.....

Zara has really taken on board your trip and everyday comes with her diary to record things kids might want to blog to you. (This is what I do in my observation book.)
She was facinated with the castle picture on your recent bog and wanted to know who's castle it was. Is it an Army, King or Princesses castle?

Zara and James both recognised 'The Great Spinx and the Pyramid and Zara commented, "Rakelle saw the Effiel Tower in Canada!!! That's wacky!"

We were also revisiting some of your old blogs. Sienna loves the postcard you sent. "That's a grey wolf from 'Kelle'.
Zara said, "Rakelle sent it to us to let us know that she is still in Canada." They all remember the howling noise you taught them at mat time which they often do when they see the postcard.

When I was reading the Bear Hunt today, Anna wondered if you would be going on a beer hunt in Canada. Harriet said there weren't any caves over there so you couldn't. Anna replied, '"Well actually there are caves because the bears wouldn't have anywhere to sleep. Have you been on a bear hunt???

As you mentioned last time, Kahis has been created his own portfolio, with a Lumsden Spine to fit in with the others.

The outside area is non existant at the moment, due to a huge amount of rain. The builders have cordined off a small area on the verandah which just fits the carpentry table. You can now see where the new building will go and how far the verandah will come out. It is going to be sooooooo awesome.

Can't wait to have you back Rakelle. We all miss you.
