Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Ukranian Village.

So today is the offical holiday in lew for Canada Day falling on a Sunday.

Sanford and Lorna thought it would be nice to carry on the history theme and take us out to the Ukranian Village. The Ukran's came out to Emonton in the early 1900's and developed their own farming village.

Yet again the village had been recreated and everything was in theme, costume and character - it was lovely and nice to see another side to Edmonton.

While we were there I got to try on a real buffalo jacket that used to be worn by police officers way back then. Wow, it was really heavy and very very hot. It was worn in the winter months by the police when they had to go by horse back to visit people in the other villages. As it snows in winter here, they had to wear the jacket to keep warm.

We also got to have a ride on a horse and cart. (I thought Zara, Ffion and Harriet would like to see these pictures.)

It was a lot of fun and the horse's names were Blues and Ralph!

When we left the Ukranian Village we stopped at the cafe to have Poutine - this is traditional Ukran food - it's potato strips folded with cheese inside then cooked. you then add bacon bits and lots of sour cream to it - yum!

On our travels back home Sanford decided to take us on a 'ticky tour' and try to show us more of the Canada wild life - I was hoping to see a moose but unfortunatly we didn't. We did however, see beaver and Buffalo!!! One Buffalo was just standing beside of the road. These animals can be a little bit Ferocious and will charge at you like a bull will. I stayed in the car for this one as I was just a tad scared. Shane got out but he did stand behind the car.

We saw quite a few buffalo as we traveled and Sanford even got out of the car and walked right up to the fence to talk to one. The buffalo did not like this at all and began snorting and stamping his foot. Sanford said good-bye and came back to the car!!!

Even though the animals are different here and can be a little scary, they are still really cool to get to see! Shane and I are loving traveling around and getting to see the country side - it is just truely AMAZING!

So no plans for this week as Lorna and Sanford are back at work so Shane and I are fending for ourselves. We will go back into town we think and hang out at the Mall again - Oh no!!! (yeah right). We have other big stores we want to visit too such as Ikea and Walmart - don't worry I will let you know what they are like too.

Now before I sign off just a HUGE thank you to the many responses we recieved last post great to hear from you all it really does make our day when we log on and see that people have read and replied to our blog. It is even better when we hear what you think of the posts and of course tell us what is going on in your own lives.

It was GREAT to hear about your concerts and rugby matches you have been to Skanky - GROUPIE! Keep us posted on what is happening with All Blacks and Honky's rugby - we need a laugh - Nah!

Yey Ngaire and John, well done Shane, Lorna and I are very, very impressed! It was also really lovely talking to you last week! Can't wait to see more posts from you guys, maybe even without Tanya's help this time!!!!!!

Yep Ruth, you are still out on top!!! GREAT that you were able to send an even longer post last time just to keep that edge - well done, keep up the good work - do not know what has happened to my brother though - can you give him a reve up from me. I know he started reading the blogs just thought he might have added his bit at some stage. Say hi to Terry from us and it is also good to hear our Baby Girl is doing well - thanks Ollie.

MARZIE, yey, you are still alive, we were worried. Your post was just what I needed so thanks for that! Even though you don't seem to have as much time anymore it was good to see that you haven't lost your WONDERFUL sense of humour!! Keep it up. We look forward to your next instalment.

Thanks also Tanya for your post. Sorry we missed your call but Shane is planning to ring you back sometime this week. Glad to hear all is going well with you too. Will talk soon, but don't forget to keep adding your posts.

O.k my Lumsden friends, now so far I have not had pancakes but they are on my to do list. I am also looking forward to having a donut too - yummy!

Yes, Shane does look like a cowboy now that he has his cowboy hat. He has been wearing it quite a few places - he really likes it. Maybe I could bring it into Kindy when I get back, to show you. I also bought one but it's not quite as good as his.

The snake wasn't too scary and it wasn't slimy just really good and very very smooth. I wouldn't have held it on my own that is why Tegan had too - he's not scared of any animals!!

Yeah the bear was AWESOME! We actually saw a bigger one than that - it was a Grizzly Bear but I didn't have my camera. Shane had the video camera so he took footage of it so I could bring that into Kindy when I get back and show you.

Remember to keep telling me what you are up to I would rather you said more than just questions to me so I can hear what is happening at Lumsden. Great to hear the builders are starting, I can't wait to see what it all looks like when I get back. I challenge someone to send me a story post or something about what is happening at Lumsden - who is up to it?

Trace, what's happened to you? You started with a hiss and a roar and now nothing!! Come on girlfriend, add your bit!!

O.k enough from me, will add a new post later in the week and keep you updated on what we are doing here in Canada.

Love to you all

Rak and Shane. xxxxxxx


Lumsden said...

Hi Rakelle.

The children are loving looking through your book of blogs. Today Zara and I were looking through it and she was amazed that you were holding a tarantula.
When we looked your bug book we discovered an interesting fact that Zara was eager to share with you. She told me I had to put it on your blog, so that is what we are doing now.
"Rakelle did you know that if you get a knife and a fork and run it across the comb it makes the tarantula sound."

George is going to tell you about what's been happening at Lumsden.
"There has been builders and lots of building, smashing down sheds. The BOBBAT did a wheelie when he was going through the gate. He also did two skids. The big Digger didn't have a scoop it only had a sharp claw.

We have three new kids Annie and Llewellyn and Jasmine. We also have Karsen."

Zara. "Sheree has been naughty and is not wearing her glasses. Maggie has been wearing her glasses so she has been good. We love you. I hope if you are having a good time. From all the next blogs. See you later."

"Exciting news about the building. It's finally beginning. Unfortunately no good looking ones!
Everything is running smoothly but we have had a few stressful days with new chidlren starting. We are going back to the basics with the Virtues and have introduced Self Control. Other than that no really exciting news.

Love Sheree, Zara and George

Tracey said...

Sorry Rakie,

I'm slack - we read your blog at home last night - Pete wants to know if you can shoot the buffalo??

We also got excited cos my name was on the internet - sad lives aye.

No other real news - Went to the wedding expo a couple of weeks ago - and got a stack of pamphlets - just need to set the bloody date??!! Hopefully not toooo far away.

Went to HB last weekend - drove past your place but it didn't look like you were home - ha ha - I'm soooooooooo funny!!!

When are you home?

I miss our marathon phone chats.

Well thats enough typing for now. I check your blog everyday and I promise to make more of an effort

Love Me

Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
Can't believe how much you are getting packed into your time away!! Looks like you are having an amazing time and it has been so neat that you have been able to spend it with Lorna and Stanford and the kids. We have had a very eventful week. Daniel has been really unwell and on Monday morning he had a convulsion. Had to ring for an ambulance. Was the most frightening experience of my life. He spent monday night in hospital and all they can tell me is that he had a virus. He first became unwell on Sunday and today is Thursday and he is still really unwell with really high temperatures which as you can imagine are freaking me out!! Hannah has had the bug too so we are really a miserable bunch at the moment. We were suposed to be going to Auckland on Saturday for the week but have had to pull the pin on that which is pretty disappointing. Anyway am off to grab some sleep while i can....the nights are pretty rough at the moment!!
Love Mich