Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tellus World of Science!

Tegan, Shane and I visited The Tellus World of Science Centre! WOW, AWESOME! The Palmy Science Centre pales in comparison - and I am not meaning that in a horrible way just as a comparison.

We were able to take part in a lot of hands on experiences and experiments - Maggie you would have loved it!

We even got to watch an actual science experiment - how to make 'Pop', that's the name for fizzy over here.

Tegan even got to help out with part of the experiment.

We really enjoyed learning about how fizzy drink is made, watching the 'dry ice' bubble over the container onto the floor, then of course getting to sample it! AMAZING and quite nice too!
Lumsden can you see that they had one of the experiments like we have at Kindy. A lot bigger though!

As part of the Science Centre there are Imax theatres where you can go to watch educational movies. We watched one about Dinosaurs!!!!!

We spent the whole day here and still didn't quite through it all!

Now, on another note, the Science Centre was cool but ladies I have found something even bigger and better - yes, I have found IKEA.

Man, we thought Briscoes, Freedom and Spotlight were AMAZING, Nah, think again. Ikea is absolutly FANTASTIC and is just as HUGE as everything else over here. It took me a good two hours just to look around one floor - yes, more than one floor to this baby.

They even have paper and pencils availiable to write on for you to make lists of items you would like to buy! Lets just say I loved it and am hoping to go back again with my list and hopefully purchase a few items - unfortunatly, I have no way of getting units, furniture and frames back here but I am sure I can squeeze something else in my suitcase - I sure am going to try!

O.k so that's me for another post - thanks once again to all those who have replied - love hearing from you all.

Michy, sorry to hear your kids are unwell - lucky you have the hols to recooperate. Hope all gets better for you soon.

Yey, Trace! Glad to hear from you! Slacker! Yep, tell Pete anything over here can get shot at - it's all fair game and kill! He'd love it! Look forward to hearing from you again.

Thanks Sheree, Zara and George for writing me an interesting blog. Zara thanks for the information about Tarauntulas, Tegan and I tried the fork on the comb trick - it was a cool sound but Tegan did say that Rose does not make any noise. He thinks if she did she must make it really quitely.

Now Zara I think you should tell Sheree she might need to practice her Utanga for her bosy in regards to wearing her glasses. It is not good that you and Maggie both are looking after your eyes and she is not - you may have to talk to her about this!

Whoa George the builders sound really exciting. I am a little upset I am missing all the action. Thanks for keeping me updated with whats going on! Cool about the digger doing skids - AWESOME.

Sheree, what a great idea about keeping the blogs in a folder - Ka pai te Mahi! Like the idea that this is not just a boring mat-time thing and the children can add comments any time through out the session - makes it more fun and gets them to initiate the learning! Keep them coming!

O.k I will be back later on with more blogs so keep checking in and of course adding your say.

love to you all,

Rak and Shane.


Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
Gosh these blogs are coming thick and fast at the moment!!Keep it up! I love hearing about the shopping!!
Love Mich

Ruth said...

Thankyou so much for phoning us yesterday. Both Terry and I appreciated hearing from you in person even though your Blogs have been keeping us up to date.

I told Kirk that we had received a postcard from you, sent from Banff, he wants to know 'Where's his?'!! He reckons he has had trouble getting onto your blog which is why he hasn't added his comments. I can't understand why people are having problems - it's a breeze!!
He said to tell you that he went up to Auckland to 'Big Ern's' 30th last weekend. The theme was to dress up as someone from 1977. So he, John Scott, Crites, Leyton & Kelvin went as MASH characters. One of them had arranged dog tags and gave Kirk Klinger!! He said it must have been because of his nose!!! They had a great time apparently.

Called out to Clive today to inspect Jeff's work. You will be impressed I'm sure. While we were there the Sparkie arrived so the heat lamp is now all in and Terry has arranged for the painter to finish it off next Saturday. So all will be completed for your return. Possum turned up as soon as we arrived and was pleased to see all the people at her place. We called over to see Ollie who told us that she arrives at his door at 6.30 every morning! He assured us that he is still feeding her at your place though.

Shane, bad news I'm afraid, Clive Prems lost by 1 point to Taradale yesterday. 18-17.

Rumours floating round the Bay at the moment is that the star for next years Mission Concert is going to be Celine Dion! Don't know if you 2 will be interested in joining the crowds to attend that one. Wonder what Tania and Karl reckon? However, it is still only a rumour.

Now Lumsden - if you are reading these comments Rakelle told me that she LOVED hearing from Zara about the Tarantula facts she discovered. This is exactly what she is hoping, that the children will find interesting things from her blogs. She is hoping that you will be able to document their comments and provide feedback to her.

Right - I've done my bit as promised!

Keep safe.
Lots of love to you both,

Michelle said...

Hi Rak,
Well we are into the second week of the holidays...they are going to be over before we know it. Daniel still not well so we really havn't done much. We dropped Mum and Dad off at the airport yesterday for their two week holiday on the Sunshine Coast. There was an accident on the Havelock Road yesterday where a car knock some cyclists off their bikes. The cyclists were Ray and Shona Brown. All I know is that Ray is in intensive care and have one story that Shona is sitting up in bed and the other that she has been sent to Wellington so not sure which to believe. Very sad news especially since Jodie is due to have her first baby any day now. I will keep you posted anyway. Hope you are both well.
Love Mich

Lumsden said...

Hi Rakelle, we have spent such a long time trying to blog you that most of the children have left. However, I still have the stayers with me. Zara, "Rakelle I hope you come back soon kiss and cuddle, we love you."
Anna, "I went to Taupo and I wish you were here so I could tell you about the graters of the moon."
Grace "I love you." Zara"Don't coopy what I say.
Rakelllleeeee thank you for all your blogs we really love hearing about your trip. But when I blog you It takes me soooo long to sign in I loose all the children through boardom. News from Lumsden. Builders are well under way now. Fortunatly it hasn't rained enough to put them off. We miss you very much and the parents and children asked about you each day. We have a lot of new children and have to teach them the virtue of self control. It is amazing how differnt it is with the new little ones. George, Ffion, Fischer, Jack have left and Bryn goes at the end of the week. Reubin has hardly been here due to sickness. We haven't had many children over the holidays only 12 last Friday. Sherly and I are going to clean the big shed out next Saturday. I hope I don't loose this when I send it. We miss you but are glad you are having an awsome holiday.LOve from all your friends at Lumsden

Lumsden said...

Me again I have just read your Mum's comments and yes the children do comment on what you say and love what you have sent but when I blog back with their replies, it takes me sooooo long to get on let alone type then I loose all the kids and then I forget what they have said. Zara is the only one that sticks by me.I think she wants to let you know at least she has things under control??? I will let Sheyl blog from now on.Oh yes Bryn said to say Goodbye before he took off outside. You have quite a bit of mail,which I have't opened. You also have a student from Open poly not long after you get back. Sheryl has booked her fare to Ausie and is already getting excited. Love Magggeeeee

Uncle Tony said...

Well, Kelly dear & Shane - I have only just caught up with the news that you are both in Canada via your Mother who directed me to this "blog site" to read how you're getting on. I didn't think my favourite niece was allowed to leave the country without permission from her adoring Uncle!
You're obviously both sharing an experience of a lifetime so good on you. Reading all your messages and "challenges" for everyone to respond, made me get onto this "blog train" so that you had at least one contact coming out of Hamilton - given that brother, Kirk seems to be letting the side down! Talking of that "youth" haven't caught up with him for a while, but coming into the rep rugby season no doubt he'll get fed one night to coincide with a footy match. Poppa is still holding his own and have a trip over to Matamata planned this Friday to take him out for lunch. Ruth has printed off all the "blog" file from you and posted it to him, so I could give him a further update when I see him. We're all fine over here - tiger is struggling with the cold weather but still has the "best seat in the house". Lots of love to you both.

Ruth said...

If you're wondering what's happened to your brother check out his comment on your very first blog. For some reason his message ended up back at the beginning!!

Lumsden said...

Hi Rakelle.

We are all missing you here at Lumsden and the children keep asking, "When is 'kel'coming back. Sounds like you are having an AWESOME time and I always look foreward to finding out what you have been up to. As I mentioned on the last blog we have lots of new children. The dynamics of the whole centre has changed now that most of the older ones have left.

Now your favourite part, dictated by your friends at Lumsden.

Madline was quite concerned about all the pictures around of you. After talking about it she decided that you wanted to play with us pretend, while you are away!

Anna wanted to blog you some really exciting news too. On her recent visit to Rotorua she bought a new friend. He's Kahu's brother and his name is Kahis. I was so confused!!! She created her own writing sheets of stories with Kahis, just like Kahu's ones. How Cool!!!"Anna siad, "We'll have to tell Rakelle about this!"

Rachel wanted to tell you she has been doing some lovely pictures and that we have got a 'new outside and a big digger.' Suzanna added that lots of the trees have gone.

Sam and his Mum are taking Collie to the vet on Friday for her yearly vaccinations.

Bryny wanted to tell you it is his last day on Friday and that Llewellyn has started.

Today we have had a big digger loading truckfuls of dirt and levelling out the ground. We had a really friendly driver Darren who gave us all a ride and answered ALL of our questions.

The children love looking through your blog book and seeing all the photos. Jack picked out the optical illusion from the Science centre. What an amazing place.

Loved the postcard. We read it at mat time. Of course the children love the wild animals, wolves and bears and are always asking to write 'Have you seen' or has Rakelle been eaten by a ...?

Thinking of you, and your tomato Shane. Have FUN..

Love Lumsden, Mags and Shirl.