Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Soaking Up the Sun in Tahiti!

Well we have sadly said goodbye to the family in Edmonton and are still missing them VERY, VERY much!

To make the transition a little easier and for Shane and I to wind down before making our way back home we had a 3 night stopover in Tahiti!

What can I say - BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

We stayed at the Raddison Hotel which was just lovely and had the most beautiful views and wonderful bars and atmosphere!
We spent our first day roaming the streets and markets of Papeete then back to the Raddison hotel for a relaxing swim in the pool.
The following day we took the ferry to Moorea - another island - and hired a scooter which we drove around the island. It was so much fun! We were able to stop off at many little sites on our way around. The best part was going snorkeling in a one of the bays. It is exactly as you see it advertised - clear, blue water with the most AMAZING sealife you could possibly imagine! The water too was just so warm, it was like taking a bath!

That night Shane and I had dinner at the Hotel where we had the pleasure of listening to and watching some local performers put on a cultural show - truely AWESOME.

One of the highlights of this trip was visiting the Pearl Market! Tahiti is known for it's unique black pearls and this was something I was really keen to purchase!
The market was wonderful as we got to touch the pearls, choose the ones we wanted and then choose how we wanted them set! They are very EXPENSIVE but well worth the experience of going to the market to find the one you like! (The photos are just for show, I did not purchase the string of pearls, my budget could only stretch to being able to afford just one pearl).
So know we are back home and back into work mode! It's hard having to adjust to the COLD and it gettting dark so early, but hey it is good to be home and I of course am just loving being back at work with my kids!!!
Hope you enjoyed our blog! Thank-you to the many who added comments and kept us up to date with stuff.
Don't forget to add one last post to this blog so we know you all logged in.
Can't wait to catch up with you all in the next few weeks.

With all our love
Shane and Rak xxxxxxxx


Christine Harris said...

Oh wow, what fabulous photos, and boy was I envious when I saw the photo of you both with your STRING of pearls around your neck. Was a lot happier when I read on. I bet it is gorgeous. It looks a fabulous place to visit, very restful, JUST WHAT YOUR MUM NEEDS!!!! Can you imagine Terry relaxing on the beach there - NOT!!!! Thanks for all the wonderful photos and comments. It seems as though we have been there. Perhaps we will win lotto and can visit Canada as well some day. Happy working!!!


Tracey said...

Hey kids

So glad to hear you arrived back safe and sound. I have really enjoyed reading about your adventures and looking at your photos. Text me when you are free for a chat Rak and I will ring you - I assume you are broke after that - I would be ;0)

Take care and good luck easing yourselves back into normality


Ruth said...

Well the family in Edmonton may be missing you both but I am delighted to have you back safely. Can't wait to see those pearls for real and all the other goodies that you have purchased on your travels. Thanks for keeping us so up to date on all your adventures. Although we still missed you heaps it wasn't quite as bad knowing where you were, who you were with and what you were doing. Enjoy being back with all the kids and I'll see you in a couple of days.

Love, Mum

Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
What a lovely place Tahiti looks. What a neat momento your black pearl will be!! Was great to catch up with you on the phone tonight...it's nice to have you home!
Love Mich

Munkedal Family said...

Hi Rak & Shane,

Loved the pictures of Tahiti, we'll have to get your recommendations & make a stop-over ourselves on our next trip back.
It's hard to believe you only left here a week ago! Leah was looking for you both the other day & was a little bit grizzly - I think she was upset that she couldn't find you.
You must have been excited to see your kids again Rak. Did they love the animals you bought? & did you find a place to put the shield in your house?
Sandford is asking if you managed to get all your bags back to NZ without paying any extra.

Take care you & we'll catch up again sometime soon.
All our love,
Sandford, Lorna, Tegan & Leah
PS: We're going to reminise & have a Caesar for you both!

sam and amy said...

Kiora te nga korua
Welcome back
great pics from tahiti.
Kawhia just wont be the same, but there is now place like home.
Hope you have been able to relax since you both have got back.
Using the scooter was a great idea to tour around tahiti on, (nana Humffreys would have been proud)
Tahiti looks absolutely beautiful, palm trees and all, and I bet sunset was fabulous. Thanks for inviting us into your great site. Thanks for being able to share your adventure with you. All our love from the Clark whanau.