Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bye Bye from Canada!

Well I thought I would send one last post from Edmonton before we leave early in the morning to depart for Tahiti.

It is very very sad for us to leave and we are defiantly going to miss Lorna, Sanford, Tegan and Leah - it won't be the same without them.

Shane and I have thoroughly enjoyed our stay and have loved every moment we have spent with the family. Their hospitality, generosity and warmth have been over and beyond what we could ever have imagined and more. Our Canada experience would have been nothing without them! Thank-you Lorna, Sandford, Tegan and Leah for making us so welcome and going out of your way to make this one of if not the best holiday we have had!!!!!
Now extra things I thought I could add to end our Canada leg of our holiday - things I thought you might all be interested in.

Firstly, Caesars! I have mentioned this drink many times during my blogs but thought I would add some photos so you could all see what they are! Yummy!
Yes, West Edmonton Mall was fantastic and we did venture here many, many times over the 6 weeks we were here. World Water Park was AWESOME! Shane and I spent a whole day here going on the slides and swimming in the wave pool. This park is at the side of the Mall, so as you shop, you can look through windows to see the swimmers!
Shane and Sanford also spent a morning on the ice rink - this too is in the mall and is right in the middle so as you shop you can watch the skaters!
We also got to meet and hand feed a Marmot - Lumsden, can you find some infromation about this small animal for me please. We saw a Mum and her Baby at a local reserve. They both enjoyed eating carrots, and lettuce. We also brought them celery to eat but they didn't like that! Very cute and very friendly! Leah just loved him and Tegan did want to take him home!
We also spent some time at the Muttart. This is a beautiful reserve where 4 pyramids have been set up with different plant life within each. We enjoyed walking through each pyramid admiring the different plants. I wish my own garden could look just as pretty!!!!!

And finally, I have to add photos of one of my favourite places in Canada - yep I am addicted to Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons is a cafe and they are EVERYWHERE! They have the best Hot Chocolates and the BEST donuts!!! YUM YUM! I am really going to miss Tim!!!!!
Other things we will miss is the AWESOME weather, the long nights of sunlight, the Yummy food and drink, the sights we have seen and of course Lorna, Sandford, Tegan and Leah.
O.k, that's all from us in Canada. We are now off to the last leg of our holiday - Tahiti. Here we will relax and recuperate before heading home to NZ!

We look forward to hearing more from you all before we return.

Hope you have enjoyed reading our Blog and I hope to add something from Tahiti too!

Love to you all,

Rak and Shane xxx


Michelle said...

Hi Rak and Shane,
Can't believe your time in Canada is nearly over. I am sure the family over there will really miss you when you leave.
Not a lot happening here at the moment. Mum and Dad got home from their holidday on Saturday night. They have had a really great time and of course came home with lots of pressies...Hannah and Daniel did really well as you can imagine!! Ange and Luca have been down here for a week, they flew home today.
Anyway, have a super time in Tahiti.
Love Mich

Christine Harris said...

Hi R & S,
Well I really can't believe you are on your way home. It only seems such a short time away that Ruth said you were off. All those photos are amazing and we have really loved looking through them all. MAYBE one day we can get to see Canada, but obviously not for as long as you guys. As you say, you have been VERY lucky having family there to show you around. It looks such a lovely place, and somewhere that anyone could settle easily. I guess you know by now we lost the 3rd test to Oz. They beat us by 7 goals and we deserved to lose.
Jim and I have just come back from Jarrod Cunningham's funeral. A very moving experience and a wonderful farewell and celebration of his life. Such a sad afternoon for us all. We actually got to rub shoulders with Alama Iremia and Tana Umaga. They both looked very dashing in their suits.
Anyway on a much brighter note, the weather has warmed up, we are looking forward to the NPC starting this weekend then of course the first home game for the magpies against Wellington on the 4th August. Should be a good one. Enjoy your restful time in Tahiti, hope you don't have to hide that tan when you get home. Hopefully the weather will keep improving. Safe journey home and thanks for the adventure we had with you back here.


Ruth said...

Well I guess I had better add one last blog before your holiday comes to an end!
We have really appreciated the time it must have taken you to keep us all informed of your holiday. The photo's have been amazing and your descriptions of the places you have been and the adventures you've had have been very informative.
As you said, you have been so lucky to have had a family to look after you so well and to share in your escapades.
We have had a lovely spell of weather here this week, even got up to 20 degree's the other day but I guess that is still rather cool after the conditions that you have just experienced. Hopefully it will continue for a little while longer so that you can adjust back to winter temperatures but I suggest you wear warm clothing on the flight home!
I am picturing you both now lounging on deckchairs beside the beach somewhere in Tahiti, what I would give to join you just for a day!!
Enjoy the last days of your fantastic holiday and travel home safely.
I can't wait to catch up with you in person when I return from Gisborne.
Love to you both,

Munkedal Family said...

Hi Rak & Shane,

We're missing you both already! Things seem a lot quieter at home now that you've both left. Although you spent 5-1/2 weeks with us, it still seemed too short. We could have easily had you both for another 5!
Sandford seems to be lost for words now that you've gone, so he's now back to trying his (not-so) funny jokes & comments on anyone who will listen! ha-ha. And it doesn't seem the same not to see Shane playing around on the computer, or chatting & having a beer.
We all watched your DVD's the other night Shane, & it was great to see our adventures on the 'big-screen'. Leah was all excited when she saw you both. I'm still trying to figure out the right noises for her books Rak, as she just looks at me weird when I read to her! ha-ha. I haven't quite perfected them the same as her Aunty I guess.
Take care, & we hope Tahiti was beautiful (just beautiful) (that's from Sandford).

Lorna, Sandford, Tegan, & Leah xxx

Marzie said...
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Marzie said...

Kiaora Rak & Shane! Welcome to Aotearoa - the land of the long white cloud! Cold as an ice cube here & the bay has been flooded! Clive no longer exists! You will need to relocate to Canada immediatley... quit smiling it's not true! Welcome back to all the bloody projects those children at Lumsden have had to do for you. I heard they have worked 24/7 to get them completed so the power bill at Lumsden is a little over the top this month! HUH- did you allow for that in ya budget! By the way I hope you used Purell regularly, especially after all those germy animals you have fondled! Dinosuars and galleries aye Rak - right up your alley! Nice! Can't wait to have the non PC recap of ya adventure. I've been expressing milk so might be able to have a wine with you!! Rideon won the competition last Thursday & the TUI girls visited him in his bar, of course Nath went for moral support. My niece is in Taranaki Base hospital with bronc. infection. On the up now! Did I tell you Sue is having a baby too? Kiara has been practising her smiles for you. Went to the home show this weekend and picked up a few bargins! Spaca- Lionel Richie concert in Christchurch in Oct I think.Tickets about 190$. Gee Rak I can't wait to catch up and have a bitch sesssion! Dunno who about though as life is all good. (hehehehe) Settle into NZ and get all those Lumsden Projects assessed and all ya staff appraised b4 calling or texting me. Did you actually rest your brain from work while on HOLIDAY?????? All good :) Welcome home our precious friends :) We've missed you & Kiara can't wait to meet Spaca :) Catch up soon xoxoxo Marzie, Nafie & Kiara xoxo.

sam and amy said...

kiora shane and rak from aunty amy. just had maori language week in nz so kiora again. just love your blog awesome. and just great that I can put some of your pics into my pictures. Looks like you both are having a great time and I just love the marmotts, no wonder Tegan wanted to take them home. and great to see Lorna leah and sandford. The world is getting smaller all the time. Love to you both. Happy landing.